Monday, 15 July 2013


Day 96– 14th July 2013  - Adelaide – rest day & drive to Mt Barker

Another lazy morning & another large buffet breakfast. Then off on a long walk along the banks of the beautiful Torrens River to The Adelaide Botanical Gardens and then to the building Walter was keen to visit – The National Wine Centre, a relatively new building of renown architectural merit.

At 10am as we walked the scenic river path we knew we were in Adelaide - the sound of all the church bells chiming was like a musical symphony and the many birds on the way seemed to sing along. Walter was lost in thought and walking right in the middle of the walking / cycle path and I did have to smile when an on-coming cyclist called to him – hey watch out buddy !! (in a friendly way)

A nice cup of tea at The National Wine Centre building and a look at the professional photographers’ awards exhibition on show there & then we decided to catch the bus back to North Terrace as unfortunately some showers have rolled in so not too pleasant if you don’t have an umbrella with you which we didn’t.

A bit of a relax back at our hotel & then time to pack up & head off to an outer area of Adelaide where Walter is riding from tomorrow. The sky is blue once again so maybe hopefully, good weather tomorrow for the re-commencement of his cycling journey !!

Showers came over again when we headed through the Adelaide Hills – the A1 literally is carved through the hills and The Heysen Tunnel which we drove through also goes through the hills. It was quite busy on the highway and Walter thought a better town to start from so that we would definitely be off the M1 was Mt Barker so we headed there and decided as it was wet and we needed to re-organise our gear as the bike was on top of the bed and it was raining - a basic cabin would be a good idea which it was as there was quite a bit more rain during the afternoon. We drove to the shops – it was really busy on the road & in the shops – we needed to do a big shop for groceries.  A big steak dinner and an early night and fingers crossed for good weather tomorrow.

Pleasant Sunday morning walk along The Torrens River

Old Gatehouse at the entrance of The Adelaide Botanical Gardens

Morning tea at The National Wine Centre Building

Impressive interior of The National Wine Centre building

Adelaide Festival Centre & behind The Intercontinental (where we stayed whilst in Adelaide)

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