Friday, 12 July 2013


Day 94– 12h July 2013  - Pt Wakefield to Adelaide

Sadly it is raining this morning – it had held off for the past few days but it looks very bleak and very very grey. Walter decided to start cycling and see how things went. I packed up and decided not to bother with making the usual coffee as it was by this time really very rainy.

The traffic initially was quite heavy as I left Pt Wakefield and I noticed quite a few large trucks on the road and the spray coming off the road as they sped past was a bit scary and I wondered how Walter would be faring in these pretty awful conditions.

Cycling Stats: 35 kms per hour
Cycling Average: 34 kms per hour

I caught him at the 35 km mark and he indicated that I should pull over. It was lucky that just a couple of hundred metres up the highway there was a parking area with an undercover table area so he was able to change into dry clothes. It just wasn’t safe to continue and we realized that the shoulder on the road disappeared after another 5 kms or so.

So on to Adelaide driving in the pouring rain for the remaining 50kms  and we decided to find a MacDonalds and have some coffee and decide on a plan of action. I jumped on the computer to source some city accommodation and this was organized. We didn’t have as much choice as we would have liked because of the height of our campervan being 2.5 metres so we couldn’t get into many of the hotels that have undercover carparks as there are height restrictions.

Anyway we are now enjoying a nice couple of nights in the centre of Adelaide. So out to explore this afternoon and have a bit of a look at the sights. Then this evening to the Friday night Markets which were full of the best produce – wonderful.

Tomorrow another day having a bit of a look at the sights and some relaxing before we head off on Sunday afternoon.

heavy rain & trucks and no shoulder on the road make for very dangerous cycling conditions

Walter was forced to stop cycling for the day

The Adelaide Railway Station Building - quite beautiful
Enjoying The Adelaide Museum

This guy was outside The Adelaide Art Gallery and this looks like a regular feeding that he is doing

The Adelaide Art Gallery

Interesting building behind the gallery

Adelaide - the city of churches & rain today !!

The famous Balls sculpture in the Adelaide Mall - the reflections in the rainy afternoon were lovely

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