Wednesday, 3 July 2013


Day 84 – 2nd  July 2013  - Caiguna Roadhouse to Madura Roadhouse

Cycling Stats: 160 kms
Cycling Average: 30.5 kms per hour

Just as cold again this morning and I love the little heater as I put it on first thing on getting up and when I come back from the shower block the van is lovely and warm whilst I prepare breakfast.

Walter left at 7.20 and apparently we go across to a time change today – 45 minutes later is what is written on the sign a few kms after leaving Caiguna Roadhouse.

Walter asked me to meet him at Cocklebiddy Roadhouse which is 65 kms east. On the way I see 2 large wedgetail eagles having breakfast which is made up of a roadkill wallaby. One takes flight spreading its huge wings and flies away. The other, no doubt the male stays, not at all put out that I am stopped on the other side of the road only about 10 metres away watching him tear away at the carcass. I am amazed that he isn’t worried in the least and every now and then he stops to stare at me.

I head on to the roadhouse passing Walter and as I am early I pop into the Cocklebiddy Roadhouse and have a chat with one of the staff. He tells me that a few weeks back a motorcyclist stopped in and he was badly cut up – a wedgetail eagle had collided with him and had fought to get away using its large talons. The attendant told me that he thought the motorcyclist was very fortunate that he was wearing a full face helmet or things may have been a lot worse. He told me to look out for camels as there were many about and not to get close because they are very aggressive and wouldn’t hesitate to trample you to death.

Walter arrived and we had coffee & fruitcake + fruit. Every stop and every meal we are eating fruit. I bought a huge stockpile in Esperance as I believed it would take us 10 days before we could buy fruit & veges again. I didn’t however realize that we would be crossing into the border into South Australia after 5 days and we can’t take any fresh fruit & veges over the border so our diet is very fruity at the moment.

At Cocklebiddy we met a guy, & his in-laws + his 4 year old daughter and later after Walter left we had a chat and he told me he was moving from W A to Melbourne as he had bought a bigger horse property there. He was travelling with 3 dogs and 2 cats. Ellie, his daughter was a very outgoing and lively lass and she asked me to play with her in the playground which I did. She was extremely talkative and proud of her new TShirt which was one that had written on it I have crossed the Nullarbor. His wife and their one year old daughter were flying to Melbourne and they would join them there.

Back on the road and I came across another cyclist – a guy from Singapore (I later found out his name was Paul). No support crew for him – he was carrying all his gear in 2 bike panniers and wearing what looked like a motorbike helmet but actually was a head scarf & a face balaclava. I slowed and asked him if he needed anything but he said he was fine and I told him Walter was about 10-15 km behind him and he would soon see him. Just as I pulled away I sighted 3 emus not too far from the road but they get so very panicky and they took off very quickly.

At our lunch stop Walter told me he had met up with the Singaporian cyclist and he was also coming to Madura Roadhouse this afternoon. Later I was surprised at the vast open view over the plains as I drove through Madura Pass. Then amazing - another 2 cyclists – 2  girls (Deb & Danielle) who had started riding from Perth and they are also carrying everything in panniers. They look incredibly fit and they are staying here too. Then I hear from the manager that Shane Crawford, the AFL footballer who everyone is talking about is arriving here tonight and there will be a big TV crew here to film it –  So how about that - 5 cyclists in this one camping ground all staying tonight !!! Very funny really as we had only seen 3 on the road all the way until this point.

Spoke with Paul (he thanked me profusely and very politely and told me that in all the kms he had done I was the only person who had stopped and asked him if he needed anything) & later Danielle dropped by as well after we had set up camp – lovely enthusiastic people enjoying the challenges of cycling and seeing a unique and iconic part of Australia.

Late afternoon we noticed a lot of activity and this was the arrival of the entourage for Shane Crawford - We met a cyclist who is part of the support team it turns out it was Dr Mitch Anderson, also a triathlete who knows our son Samuel. It is a small world all right ! There is a bus, a camper van, a ute for the film crew and another vehicle that make up his support team. Shane arrived and there was much excitement amongst the camping ground visitors. He seems like a very friendly guy and he told Walter that his day's ride had been very difficult that day.

Paul came back early evening & prepared his dinner on his little gas burner in our tent room and later shared some of our chilli con carne dinner. All very social & lovely to meet all these cyclists.

Walter enjoying dinner in our cosy tent room

Another iconic sign early this morning

The majestic wedge tail eagle

3 panicked emus

View over coastal plains from Madura Pass

Danielle & Deb - have cycled from Perth

Much excitement at the arrival of Shane Crawford

He was happy to have finished this day's cycle

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