Tuesday, 30 July 2013


Day 111 – 29th July 2013 – Canberra – Cowra

Cycling Stats:  180 kms
Cycling Average:  27 km per hour

This morning we said goodbye to Dianna – we very much enjoyed catching up with Di and staying with her.

Today we decided to meet at Yass (59 kms from Canberra). The map we had looked at, had the distance as 39 kms so just a bit of a difference there.

As you arrive at this town there is a sign – ‘Welcome to Yass’ District of Wool, Wine & Waterways’ and this sums up the landscape views we passed through today. A great road name - ‘Dog Trap Road’ I spied made we wonder at its origin.  We had coffee and scones at a delightful little coffee shop in the main street of Yass and then on to Borrowa with its welcoming sign ‘Welcome to Borrowa’ ‘Superb Parrot, Superb Country’. There certainly are lots of catchy signs in this part of New South Wales and we crossed the border back into New South Wales from ACT this morning.

Walter tells me that there was a headwind and heaps of hills. When people from the southern states say that are going 'up' north to Queensland that’s literally quite true as a lot of the journey since we have started to head due north is very hilly.Walter also broke a spoke on the rear wheel. Luckily I wasn’t too far away so that he was able to change the wheel & use the spare wheel that that we have with us. This will need to be repaired but not every town has a bike shop so this will have to be factored into our route and at this stage we believe that Dubbo would be the best option.

We arrived in Cowra around 3.30pm and Cowra has its own welcoming sign as well – ‘Welcome to Cowra – Centre of World Friendship’ – a great thing to aspire to I believe.

Unfortunately Walter is having a bit of knee pain maybe due to the continual hill climbs and hopefully, after a good night’s rest, it will be better by the morning.

An old shearing shed I saw on the way

With every down hill there is an up hill

Enjoying this down hill and heading towards another 30 km point reached

Some stormy skies and stark landscape

That is a superb parrot in Borrowa

Also in Borrowa - we both loved this war memorial

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