Monday, 22 April 2013


Day 15 - 22nd April - Julia Creek to Cloncurry

Cycling Stats:  139 kms
Cycling Average speed:  33 kms per hour
Cycling Conditions:  Cold early morning but very hot by mid morning - long flat straight stretches with a few winding bits until about 25 kms before Cloncurry. The landscape changed to hilly with rocky outcrops on both sides.

Interesting warning sign just after leaving Julia Creek:  CAUTION ROAD TRAINS 53 METRES LONG

The expansive grass plains were no more. Lots of road kill to be seen with big flocks of black kites. (large carrion eating birds on the road devouring all these dead animals - kangaroos, feral cats & wild pigs - these have black skin)
As I drew close they were disturbed for a moment but quickly returned to their feast  after I passed by.
Also sighted many termite hills - like rusty red communities - stark in this landscape!!

Each time I stopped I was accosted by hundreds of flies - I needed to remove my sunglasses for a moment whilst taking photos but every time I do this I am fighting to keep them out of my eyes.

Walter told me he goes too fast and the flies are not bothering him !! He tells me, after a glass of wine at the end of this hot day in Cloncurry that the maximum speed of a fly is 22 kms per hour so for him to be free of flies he must keep his average speed higher than that which of course he does quite competently !!!

termite families  !!

No flies on Walter - he rides way above their max speed

Definitely a hot part of Qld - it was 37 degrees here today

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