Monday, 12 August 2013


Day 122 – 9 August 2013 – Kyogle – rest day

Today was a rest day and probably the restiest rest day we have had to date, as we had no plans but to sit in the peaceful setting of Kyogle Showground’s Camping Ground.

The wind had dropped over night and the clear blue sky and warm sun was ideal for sitting and watching the rally car participants arrive and check out the brightly painted high-powered cars. Walter enjoyed a stroll around and he told me that there were various categories / classes of the cars based on whether they were AWD / 4 Wheel Drive and of course the size of the engine and the age of the car People were enjoying catching up with other car owners and sharing stories about their obvious pride and joy rally cars. Walter spent quite some time cruising around the campgrounds telling his story about cycling around Australia and later we saw how generous these people had been as around $250 had been added to our donations bucket.

A large crane came to see to the big spotlights that would light up the Showgrounds for the evenings time trial 1 on 1 rally car competitions. A coffee van set up which we were pretty excited about. The guy was setting up his bed for the night a fold up bed that looked like a massage table and he told me a swag goes over the top. I said if the coffee was good we would be back. He told me his coffee is very very good and yes it was very good.

It was wonderful to see Steve & Gill again and Greg & Kurt, also cycling friends had travelled with them to do the last 2 days of the ride with Walter. Lots of catching up to do and lots of stories about our travels to share. It was certainly wonderful to see some friendly familiar faces and there was lots of laughter and joking about Greg & Kurt sharing the tent and the air mattress we had with us.

Late afternoon and we went over to see all the rally cars and hear the introductions of the crews who would be driving them. There were quite a few father and son combinations and one of the boys was only 16 and as this is an off road sport this is possible. Lovely comaradie and fun and passion for their cars made this all an interesting spectacle – something I hadn’t ever seen and I must say it was very entertaining.

Then it was time to head off to town for our dinner booking at Earth Bistro – the company, food and wine was all very enjoyable. Definitely a great rest day.

The rally cars and lots of activity to watch as we sit in this beautiful location

The lights being readied

All the cars begin to assemble

The action begins
Fantastic to see friendly familiar faces

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