Sunday, 30 June 2013


Day 82 – 30th June 2013  - Norseman to Balladonia

Cycling Stats: 190 kms
Cycling Average: 30 kms per hour

Very Cold morning this morning and it must have been so because this was one of the few occasions Walter decided on the full fingered bike gloves.

Today was a bit of a milestone really as we were starting our quest east and a long long way east it was going to be too. When I arrived at the Eyre Highway turn-off the sign said 1,986 kms  to Adelaide. That is some distance. Now today’s ride was a little different than what Walter had anticipated and apparently a lot of people have preconceived ideas about this stretch of road.

Walter’s primary source for information about his trip comes from a book by Paul Elwood called ‘Around Australia By Bicycle ‘The Complete Guide’ and the author describes this section of road as follows:

‘ The W A section of the Nullarbor has some fairly hilly and forested sections (rather than the flat and treeless plains as may be expected). Between Norseman and Balladonia the route negotiates numerous small climbs through well forested country.’

Yes and when we discussed this at the end of today’s ride Walter was indeed a little surprised at the number of climbs. Luckily the winds were more of the tail variety for the second half of today’s ride so he still managed a good average.

Thank you to the Balladonia Roadhouse for giving us a free powered site tonight.

Its a long long road east for us
Part of the long road east I drove along today

2 Over sized trucks approaching - a vehicle in front advises you to get off the road while they pass

As they come closer I notice that 2 trucks are needed to tow this huge load

A truck stacked with swimming pools going west 

Still more climbs for Walter today

Some local Nullarbor folklore

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