Monday, 12 November 2012

Day 1 - September 1st 2012 - Brisbane to Blackbutt

Distance 161kms

Walter left at 6am to cycle to Ferny Grove Railway Station to meet Steve there. Deanne left at around 8am. Passed the Smiddie peloton just past Wynn Road turnoff at 8.20am. Saw an eagle over soaring over the Dayboro Road as did the boys too when we talked about what we had seen. I caught up with the guys about 5 kms before Mt Mee. 

Quick stop at Mt Mee lookout and then on to Woodford for orgasmic Danishes and coffee. The guys left at 10.20 and Gill and I checked out the local shops and museum.

We left Woodford around 11.30 and drove the 20kms to Kilcoy. Quick map check and we took the D'Agular Highway and headed towards Kingaroy. Another quick lunch stop with the boys at a truckie stop / servo. 

From there just a 30km long steep climb over the Blackbutt Range and into Backbutt to the Showgrounds camping site. Total of 161 kms with the guys arriving at around 2.30pm. The girls arrived at 2pm and proceeded to find the ideal site with power and to wrestle with putting up a shade tarp structure in intermittently gusty windy conditions.

Wine & cheese at the camping ground before walking in to town to the iconic country RSL for amazing steaks and the boys had the hugest pork chops I had ever seen. Bedtime had the added bonus of listening to an Eagles concert which also included good old Aussie hits. Very cold night.
Camping $16.

Samford - the beginning of the trip

Mt Mee

Oceanview Lookout

Lunch stop past Kilcoy

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